Adverse Weather Arrangements

The school policy is not to close the school unless the safety of the children or staff is threatened.

If snow is forecast or starts to fall heavily during the day then parents may arrange, by telephone, to pick up their child/ren from school early if they wish.

If snow falls heavily overnight those staff who are able to reach school for 8.45 a.m will accept any children who are brought in, but on the clear understanding that we may not be able to offer our normal supervisory ratio of 1:30 (Infants) 1:35 (Juniors) Nor will we be able to deliver normal lessons until we have a full complement of teachers.

Whenever possible and if weather conditions allow the school will try to make a short announcement on local Radio to advise whether or not school is open. Similarly we will put a short message on the school’s answer phone and will contact all parents directly via the Seesaw Family app.

We ask that in such circumstances of extreme weather conditions parents ensure that school is open and manned before leaving their children.

Up to date information will be given to you via our School News section on the home page and Seesaw.

Unavoidable Closure Policy