Our Year 1 Class

A very warm welcome to our Year 1 class page. In Year 1 the children make the transition from Foundation Stage to the National Curriculum.  The children's confidence blossoms as they quickly develop the skills to become even more independent in their learning. We learn through practical and concrete activities and work as a team to develop our knowledge and understanding.  The staff within the classroom are committed to providing the best learning experiences possible and are always on hand if you need them.

We look forward to a very busy and fun year where we will all have our time to shine!  


Our Year 1 Class 2023-2024

Class Information


Who's Who

Mrs Clarke- Y1 Teacher

Miss Taverner- Teaching Assistant

Mrs Casilli- 1 to 1 Teaching Assistant

Miss Williams- 1:1 Teaching Assistant



In Year 1 we hope to embed a deep love of reading and therefore base all of our learning around a key text each half term that can be both fiction and non - fiction. We teach writing using 'The Write Stuff.' This focuses on the mechanics of writing as we teach the children how to write with an awareness of audience, purpose and context, whilst increasingly developing new and wide vocabulary. As we work through our focus texts each half term, we will use the writing rainbow lenses to construct our writing and form our narratives. We also encourage a love of reading by sharing a whole class text each term, which we read daily together. 


The Phonics Scheme we use in Year 1 is:

Read, Write Inc


Each day we undertake a RWI lesson. During this time, we review the set 2 sounds learnt in Reception and will learn a new Set 3 sound each day. After the Speed Sounds lesson, we look at a key text for the following three days. RWI is really helpful for embedding spellings and during each lesson we come across new 'Red Words', which we learn how to spell and are encouraged to use in our independent writing. We really enjoy our RWI time (particularly the partner work, actions and rhymes!)  



In Year 1 we use Power Maths. The aim of Year 1 is for the children to become secure with basic number skill, being able to; confidently count forwards and backwards within 100, count on and back from any given number, identify one more and one less than a given number to 100, add and subtract one and two digit numbers within 20 and be able to recall number bond facts to 10 and 20. We enjoy learning through lots of practical activities and embed our skills through daily reasoning and problem solving activities. 

It is important to keep working hard both at school and at home with Maths, so don't forget there are lots of online sites such as 'Topmarks, ICT games and Numbots' to keep our Maths brains active!  



At the beginning of Year 1 your child will be given a packet that will be used as both a homework and reading packet, homework will be given out each Friday 

• Spellings will be sent home on paper and will be added to Spelling Shed, a minimum of 5 games needs to be played each week. 

• Handwriting will be sent home in a small yellow book, each week your child will have different letters and words that need to be practised and written out. 

• RWI Speedy Sounds videos will be added weekly to watch at home with your child, these will be the same as the Speed Sounds learnt in class that week. 

• A maths number bonds sheet will be sent home weekly to work on mastering basic number facts. Maths practise can be completed on Numbots. 

Evidence for all homework needs to be added to Seesaw by Thursday each week so that dojos can be awarded to your child 



As you are aware reading is high priority for us in school, particularly in Year 1, as this is the crucial time in which your child will become an independent and fluent reader! Please make sure you read 5 times a week with your child at home. 

We change reading books once a week on a Thursday. The children will be given either the RWI book read in school that week or the one read the previous week and either a non-fiction book or another related story from the same level, a picture of your child's books will then be put onto Seesaw. Remember to comment and date underneath this picture each time your child reads at home that week so that they can receive their reward of a reading ruby, once they have earned 15 they will receive a token for the reading shop 

It is really important that we see evidence of your child reading across the year and I love to watch and hear them reading at home, so please remember to upload videos as often as possible!   



We love Seesaw in Year 1 and it is our key tool for observations, assessment and communication. You will receive daily updates of your child's progress and I am sure that you will enjoy seeing what they get up to everyday so remember to check it regularly! It is also important that just like in Reception you continue to contribute to your child's learning journey by sending regular observations of your child's home learning and experiences.  

This half term.... Autumn 2 (October-December 2023)


Over the next half term our topics will be: 

  • Literacy - This half term all children in Year 1 will be continuing to work on Read, Write, Inc and will continue to learn and revisit the Set 2 and 3 sounds. During our English lessons we will focus on the Jane Considine poetry unit 'Firework Night' using a variety of lenses to produce a guided poem about fire work night. The children will then plan, develop and write their own poem all about Christmas. Later they will study the Literacy Shed unit 'The Sprout Boy’ when the children will use adjectives to describe a character’s appearance.   


  • Mathematics- We will begin Unit 3 - addition and subtraction within 10. Within this unit we will, use the part whole model to add two numbers below ten together, earn techniques to add more and find a missing part within an addition sentence, find number bonds to numbers within ten and solve word problems practically. Within Unit 4 we will move onto subtraction learning how to; find how many are left, subtract by breaking apart, explore related addition and subtraction facts, subtract by counting back, find the difference and problem solve. Later in Unit 5 we will learn all about 2D and 3D shapes.  


  • History - The children will start our unit 'Fire! Fire! by looking at who Guy Fawkes was and the gunpowder plot. For Remembrance Day, we will look at the life of local hero Alfred Wilkinson. Learning about his life as a soldier and how soldiers are important to us now in the modern day. Following on from this, we will study 'The Great Fire of London', discovering how it started, how we can be sure what happened, why so many buildings burnt down and how London would be best rebuilt.     


  • Art-We will be looking at printing, starting with making fireworks, then looking at printing with lego, playdough and stamps, before creating repeating patterns and applying these techniques to our Christmas crafts.  


  • Music-The children will learn to listen to the environment around them and describe what they hear. They will create musical motifs both rhythmically and freely using the environment as stimulus. They will use motifs to structure into a piece, notating their ideas graphically. The children will perform as an ensemble.    

  • RE- The children will identify what a parable is. They will learn the story of the Lost Son from the Bible and recognise a link with the Christian idea of God as a forgiving Father.The children will give a simple account of what the story means to Christians giving two examples of a way in which Christians show their belief in God as loving and forgiving (e.g., by saying sorry, by seeing God as welcoming them back; by forgiving others) showing how Christians put their beliefs into practice in worship (e.g., by saying sorry to God). They will think, talk and ask questions about whether they can learn anything from the story for themselves. 


  • Computing- Programming 1: Algorithms unplugged- The children will recognise that some devices are input devices and others are output devices.They will learn that decomposition means breaking a problem down into smaller parts and use decomposition to solve unplugged challenges. The children will develop the skills associated with sequencing by following a basic set of instructions.They will then assemble instructions into a simple algorithm, learning to debug instructions when things go wrong.                                                                            
  • HeartSmart- Don't Forget to Let Love in!   The children will learn how to let love into their hearts through kind words and actions. They will learn to understand truths and lies about what they hear and only to listen to the things they know are true.     


  • Indoor PE Fundamental skills In this unit the children will learn to: move with some basic control, balance and coordination using a range of movements, safely negotiating space.  

  • Outdoor PE Throwing & Catching Throughout this unit the children will develop their skills of rolling, tracking and throwing a ball. They will learn how to throw a ball underarm and overarm. The children will understand pushing a ball to a surface so it bounces back up is a bounce and improve their aiming skills rolling and throwing at targets. 


  • PE Value – Self-Belief 


  • PE days are on Tuesday and Friday so ensure you arrive to school on these days wearing your PE kit. 

Autumn Term 1 NEWS!

What a busy half term we have had! All of the children have settled into Year One very well and have shown a real love of learning.

In Science, we have enjoyed the topic 'All About Me!' and exploring animals including humans. We started our learning by labelling life size versions of ourselves, thinking about each body part and how we use them. From this we then discovered that we have 5 senses and learnt all about what these are, what part of the body they are linked to and how we use these to do basic daily tasks. We also explored the question 'Are humans animals?' We enjoyed learning about the different types of animals and the groups that they belong to and comparing them to ourselves.

We began our English writing journey with the poem 'When I'm by Myself' looking carefully at rhyming words and using different shapes to structure our poems. Linking with Science we used our senses to write our own poem with a similar structure. As a class we really enjoyed exploring the writing rainbow through the story 'The Train Ride.' Looking at the lenses of repetition, feeling and the basic lense looking at nouns and verbs the children were guided through writing their own version of the story selecting words from our list of new vocabulary. The children have really impressed me so far with their hard work in RWI and it is great to see such enthusiasm and eagerness to read and write, they are continuing to develop reading fluently and we can’t wait to continue this next half term. 

In music we began to pitch-match by copying the teacher making lots of different sound patterns. The children enjoyed listening to and singing a variety of simple songs; learning how to stand and sit properly when singing.

In Geography we have enjoyed learning about the weather and seasons. We started our unit by learning the months of the year and the four seasons. Through looking at different photographs we learnt to look for the signs of each season. We looked at different articles of clothing and decided which season we would wear each in. We made wind gauges and used a thermometer to keep track of the weather. Using the weather symbols we have learnt, we have been recording the weather daily and will continue to keep track of this all year.  To finish our unit we visited the park to find the signs of autumn.

In Computing we have been developing our mouse skills. First, we learnt how to log in to a computer understanding the importance of keeping our work secure by using a password. We then learnt how to access a website ‘Sketchpad’ and how to use the basic tools of fill, text and shapes. We developed our control of the mouse through dragging, clicking and resizing images to create different effects. Applying our skills, we drew a scene from the story of the three little pigs and a self-portrait using the digital tools in Sketchpad.

We began our Artwork by looking at shape in abstract compositions by Beatriz Milhazes and used coloured circles to compose our very own piece of abstract art.  We studied the work of Bridget Riley, using a specific technique to create our own class masterpiece using different lines in chalk. We then moved on to the artists David Hockney & Vija Celmins, using lines to represent the waves in the sea. Next, we looked at colour mixing the primary colours to make secondary colours using playdough and paint. Finally, we applied our skills to draw a self-portrait which all look amazing!

In PE we have explored the school games value of passion. We began ourtennis unit by learning how to shake hands with our racquet to hold it correctly moving along different pathways. Then it was time to try and keep control of our ball balancing it on our racquet before playing a game of floor tennis! We then tossed the pancake by flipping a beanbag on our racquet before attempting the challenge of tapping up a ball on our racquet. In addition, we have been developing our ball control by bouncing, throwing and catching different sized balls. For indoor PE we have been improving our gymnastic skills. By travelling in different ways, we have been developing our coordination. We learnt the new language is straddle, pike and tuck when controlling our balances and have put all of our skills together to make sequences with a beginning, middle and end using travelling to link balances together.

In RE we have looked at different symbols which people use to show which faith they belong to, Christian, Jewish or Muslim. We have learnt that loving each other is a key message in all faiths and we studied the ways in which people show they love each other. We looked at the way people our welcomed into their faith when they are born and found out what it meant to people to belong to a community.

Our Year 1 Class

A very warm welcome to our Year 1 class page. In Year 1 the children make the transition from Foundation Stage to the National Curriculum.  The children's confidence blossoms as they quickly develop the skills to become even more independent in their learning. We learn through practical and concrete activities and work as a team to develop our knowledge and understanding.  The staff within the classroom are committed to providing the best learning experiences possible and are always on hand if you need them.

We look forward to a very busy and fun year where we will all have our time to shine!  


Our Year 1 Class 2023-2024

Class Information


Who's Who

Mrs Clarke- Y1 Teacher

Miss Taverner- Teaching Assistant

Mrs Casilli- 1 to 1 Teaching Assistant

Miss Williams- 1:1 Teaching Assistant



In Year 1 we hope to embed a deep love of reading and therefore base all of our learning around a key text each half term that can be both fiction and non - fiction. We teach writing using 'The Write Stuff.' This focuses on the mechanics of writing as we teach the children how to write with an awareness of audience, purpose and context, whilst increasingly developing new and wide vocabulary. As we work through our focus texts each half term, we will use the writing rainbow lenses to construct our writing and form our narratives. We also encourage a love of reading by sharing a whole class text each term, which we read daily together. 


The Phonics Scheme we use in Year 1 is:

Read, Write Inc


Each day we undertake a RWI lesson. During this time, we review the set 2 sounds learnt in Reception and will learn a new Set 3 sound each day. After the Speed Sounds lesson, we look at a key text for the following three days. RWI is really helpful for embedding spellings and during each lesson we come across new 'Red Words', which we learn how to spell and are encouraged to use in our independent writing. We really enjoy our RWI time (particularly the partner work, actions and rhymes!)  



In Year 1 we use Power Maths. The aim of Year 1 is for the children to become secure with basic number skill, being able to; confidently count forwards and backwards within 100, count on and back from any given number, identify one more and one less than a given number to 100, add and subtract one and two digit numbers within 20 and be able to recall number bond facts to 10 and 20. We enjoy learning through lots of practical activities and embed our skills through daily reasoning and problem solving activities. 

It is important to keep working hard both at school and at home with Maths, so don't forget there are lots of online sites such as 'Topmarks, ICT games and Numbots' to keep our Maths brains active!  



At the beginning of Year 1 your child will be given a packet that will be used as both a homework and reading packet, homework will be given out each Friday 

• Spellings will be sent home on paper and will be added to Spelling Shed, a minimum of 5 games needs to be played each week. 

• Handwriting will be sent home in a small yellow book, each week your child will have different letters and words that need to be practised and written out. 

• RWI Speedy Sounds videos will be added weekly to watch at home with your child, these will be the same as the Speed Sounds learnt in class that week. 

• A maths number bonds sheet will be sent home weekly to work on mastering basic number facts. Maths practise can be completed on Numbots. 

Evidence for all homework needs to be added to Seesaw by Thursday each week so that dojos can be awarded to your child 



As you are aware reading is high priority for us in school, particularly in Year 1, as this is the crucial time in which your child will become an independent and fluent reader! Please make sure you read 5 times a week with your child at home. 

We change reading books once a week on a Thursday. The children will be given either the RWI book read in school that week or the one read the previous week and either a non-fiction book or another related story from the same level, a picture of your child's books will then be put onto Seesaw. Remember to comment and date underneath this picture each time your child reads at home that week so that they can receive their reward of a reading ruby, once they have earned 15 they will receive a token for the reading shop 

It is really important that we see evidence of your child reading across the year and I love to watch and hear them reading at home, so please remember to upload videos as often as possible!   



We love Seesaw in Year 1 and it is our key tool for observations, assessment and communication. You will receive daily updates of your child's progress and I am sure that you will enjoy seeing what they get up to everyday so remember to check it regularly! It is also important that just like in Reception you continue to contribute to your child's learning journey by sending regular observations of your child's home learning and experiences.  

This half term.... Autumn 2 (October-December 2023)


Over the next half term our topics will be: 

  • Literacy - This half term all children in Year 1 will be continuing to work on Read, Write, Inc and will continue to learn and revisit the Set 2 and 3 sounds. During our English lessons we will focus on the Jane Considine poetry unit 'Firework Night' using a variety of lenses to produce a guided poem about fire work night. The children will then plan, develop and write their own poem all about Christmas. Later they will study the Literacy Shed unit 'The Sprout Boy’ when the children will use adjectives to describe a character’s appearance.   


  • Mathematics- We will begin Unit 3 - addition and subtraction within 10. Within this unit we will, use the part whole model to add two numbers below ten together, earn techniques to add more and find a missing part within an addition sentence, find number bonds to numbers within ten and solve word problems practically. Within Unit 4 we will move onto subtraction learning how to; find how many are left, subtract by breaking apart, explore related addition and subtraction facts, subtract by counting back, find the difference and problem solve. Later in Unit 5 we will learn all about 2D and 3D shapes.  


  • History - The children will start our unit 'Fire! Fire! by looking at who Guy Fawkes was and the gunpowder plot. For Remembrance Day, we will look at the life of local hero Alfred Wilkinson. Learning about his life as a soldier and how soldiers are important to us now in the modern day. Following on from this, we will study 'The Great Fire of London', discovering how it started, how we can be sure what happened, why so many buildings burnt down and how London would be best rebuilt.     


  • Art-We will be looking at printing, starting with making fireworks, then looking at printing with lego, playdough and stamps, before creating repeating patterns and applying these techniques to our Christmas crafts.  


  • Music-The children will learn to listen to the environment around them and describe what they hear. They will create musical motifs both rhythmically and freely using the environment as stimulus. They will use motifs to structure into a piece, notating their ideas graphically. The children will perform as an ensemble.    

  • RE- The children will identify what a parable is. They will learn the story of the Lost Son from the Bible and recognise a link with the Christian idea of God as a forgiving Father.The children will give a simple account of what the story means to Christians giving two examples of a way in which Christians show their belief in God as loving and forgiving (e.g., by saying sorry, by seeing God as welcoming them back; by forgiving others) showing how Christians put their beliefs into practice in worship (e.g., by saying sorry to God). They will think, talk and ask questions about whether they can learn anything from the story for themselves. 


  • Computing- Programming 1: Algorithms unplugged- The children will recognise that some devices are input devices and others are output devices.They will learn that decomposition means breaking a problem down into smaller parts and use decomposition to solve unplugged challenges. The children will develop the skills associated with sequencing by following a basic set of instructions.They will then assemble instructions into a simple algorithm, learning to debug instructions when things go wrong.                                                                            
  • HeartSmart- Don't Forget to Let Love in!   The children will learn how to let love into their hearts through kind words and actions. They will learn to understand truths and lies about what they hear and only to listen to the things they know are true.     


  • Indoor PE Fundamental skills In this unit the children will learn to: move with some basic control, balance and coordination using a range of movements, safely negotiating space.  

  • Outdoor PE Throwing & Catching Throughout this unit the children will develop their skills of rolling, tracking and throwing a ball. They will learn how to throw a ball underarm and overarm. The children will understand pushing a ball to a surface so it bounces back up is a bounce and improve their aiming skills rolling and throwing at targets. 


  • PE Value – Self-Belief 


  • PE days are on Tuesday and Friday so ensure you arrive to school on these days wearing your PE kit. 

Autumn Term 1 NEWS!

What a busy half term we have had! All of the children have settled into Year One very well and have shown a real love of learning.

In Science, we have enjoyed the topic 'All About Me!' and exploring animals including humans. We started our learning by labelling life size versions of ourselves, thinking about each body part and how we use them. From this we then discovered that we have 5 senses and learnt all about what these are, what part of the body they are linked to and how we use these to do basic daily tasks. We also explored the question 'Are humans animals?' We enjoyed learning about the different types of animals and the groups that they belong to and comparing them to ourselves.

We began our English writing journey with the poem 'When I'm by Myself' looking carefully at rhyming words and using different shapes to structure our poems. Linking with Science we used our senses to write our own poem with a similar structure. As a class we really enjoyed exploring the writing rainbow through the story 'The Train Ride.' Looking at the lenses of repetition, feeling and the basic lense looking at nouns and verbs the children were guided through writing their own version of the story selecting words from our list of new vocabulary. The children have really impressed me so far with their hard work in RWI and it is great to see such enthusiasm and eagerness to read and write, they are continuing to develop reading fluently and we can’t wait to continue this next half term. 

In music we began to pitch-match by copying the teacher making lots of different sound patterns. The children enjoyed listening to and singing a variety of simple songs; learning how to stand and sit properly when singing.

In Geography we have enjoyed learning about the weather and seasons. We started our unit by learning the months of the year and the four seasons. Through looking at different photographs we learnt to look for the signs of each season. We looked at different articles of clothing and decided which season we would wear each in. We made wind gauges and used a thermometer to keep track of the weather. Using the weather symbols we have learnt, we have been recording the weather daily and will continue to keep track of this all year.  To finish our unit we visited the park to find the signs of autumn.

In Computing we have been developing our mouse skills. First, we learnt how to log in to a computer understanding the importance of keeping our work secure by using a password. We then learnt how to access a website ‘Sketchpad’ and how to use the basic tools of fill, text and shapes. We developed our control of the mouse through dragging, clicking and resizing images to create different effects. Applying our skills, we drew a scene from the story of the three little pigs and a self-portrait using the digital tools in Sketchpad.

We began our Artwork by looking at shape in abstract compositions by Beatriz Milhazes and used coloured circles to compose our very own piece of abstract art.  We studied the work of Bridget Riley, using a specific technique to create our own class masterpiece using different lines in chalk. We then moved on to the artists David Hockney & Vija Celmins, using lines to represent the waves in the sea. Next, we looked at colour mixing the primary colours to make secondary colours using playdough and paint. Finally, we applied our skills to draw a self-portrait which all look amazing!

In PE we have explored the school games value of passion. We began ourtennis unit by learning how to shake hands with our racquet to hold it correctly moving along different pathways. Then it was time to try and keep control of our ball balancing it on our racquet before playing a game of floor tennis! We then tossed the pancake by flipping a beanbag on our racquet before attempting the challenge of tapping up a ball on our racquet. In addition, we have been developing our ball control by bouncing, throwing and catching different sized balls. For indoor PE we have been improving our gymnastic skills. By travelling in different ways, we have been developing our coordination. We learnt the new language is straddle, pike and tuck when controlling our balances and have put all of our skills together to make sequences with a beginning, middle and end using travelling to link balances together.

In RE we have looked at different symbols which people use to show which faith they belong to, Christian, Jewish or Muslim. We have learnt that loving each other is a key message in all faiths and we studied the ways in which people show they love each other. We looked at the way people our welcomed into their faith when they are born and found out what it meant to people to belong to a community.