Meet the Governors

Chair of Governors: Mrs Helen Dowman

Mr Gareth Jenkins


LA Representative: Councillor Kevin Anderson


Headteacher: Mrs Claire Hill


Vicar: Rev Jack Shepherd


Foundation Governor:   Mr Mark Brown


Diocesan Representative: Mrs Judith Pitt


Parent Governors: Mr Ali Bayatti

   Mr Nikki Gornall


Staff Governor: Mrs Linsey Evans


Associate Members of the Governing Body:   Mrs Clair Gornall

                                                                         Miss Suzanne Taverner


Governor Details


Specific Governor Responsibilities 2021/22


Governor's Attendance Records 19/20

Governor's Attendance Records 20/21

Governor's Attendance Records 21/22

Governor's Attendance Records 22/23

Governor's Day

Recently we invited members of our Governing body into school to spend time with the staff and children.  The Governors thoroughly enjoyed being in school during a working day instead of being in an empty building in the evening!  They were very complimentary about school and especially how polite and welcoming the children had been and how they had spoken confidently about their learning.  We owe a big thank you to all our Governors who give their time and commitment to support and guide school entirely voluntarily.